Oholei Torah has Pre-Purim Celebration
As the Megilah tells us, Mordechai gathered the children before the miracle of Purim, so too Oholei Torah gathered all its elementary division together during the days preceding Purim for a grand Purim Hakhel rally.
Coordinated jointly by the principals, close to 1,000 students from grades pre-1A through 8th joined for a rally of Torah, Tefilah and Tzedoka.
Beginning with a kapital Teillem said by Mayer Avtzon, followed by a Sicha from the Rebbe on Purim 1983. The actual Sicha was learned in the classes before hand, adding to the depth and understanding of the students, each grade on their level.
The twelve pesukim were said by representatives from all divisions.
Music was provided by Yossi Cohen and his choir.
A special performance was shown by Illusionist – J.T. Tana, sponsored by the PTA, who celebrated an impromptu Bar Mitzvah when Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig found out he never had one in his Youth. The surprise Bar Mitzvah was witnesses by the whole school, and left a deep impression on all.