BCM’s Bubby Club Hosts Tattys and Zeides
Bais Chaya Mushka students had never been more excited to see their fathers and grandfathers in school before! At a very special, Hakhel-inspired event presented by BCM’s Bubby Club, Tattys and Zeides came out in droves to spend time with their Pre-1a through Second grade students.
Laboriously planned by none other than Ms. Simi Raichik and Mrs. Mushky Yiftach, the room was expertly decorated, and our students waited patiently while our honored guests filed in and found their seats. The tables were laid with delicious donuts, chocolate milk, and Chanukah gelt for all.
Director Rabbi Danny Yiftach welcomed everyone with some uplifting words of Torah and greeting, and then the students were on center stage to recite Tehillim and sing for their guests.
Many fun and exciting games took place, and the girls especially enjoyed the special time to work together with their Tattys and Zeides. The spirit of togetherness continued as the girls learned about the meaning of Yud Daled Kislev with their guests.
The morning concluded with a very funny video “News Report” starring Bais Chaya Mushka students, investigating what our students know about their Zeides, and how they like to spend their time.
As everyone present will agree, the BCM Bubby Club’s Yud Daled Kislev Hakhel with our Zeides and Tattys was a great success, and the Bubby Club hopes to put on more events such as this one throughout the year.
the cuteness level
its not even normal how cute and lovable they are
what lucky zeidies