Photos: Monsey Cheder Boys get Art Lesson

Fourth grade students in Monsey’s Cheder Chabad enjoyed a class on art from one of the parents. the boys learned how art is a talent and can be used to express feelings.

The parent was Mrs. Deitsch who shared with the students a Sicha from the Rebbe about art and how it is important for one to use their g-d given talents in a positive way.

The boys went home with a canvass which they painted. A special thank you to Rabbi Wiener for hosting this for his fourth grade class.


  • a big fan

    go mrs deitsch !!!!! you are the best !! taking time out of you busy schedule to share something with our children you are the best !!!

  • CCoM!

    CCoM is great! The girls have regularly scheduled art and gym classes and looks like they are finally doing the same on the boys side! It has made a wonderful difference to my childrens learning.

    Keep up the good word!