Cheder Chabad of Monsey Holds Annual Dinner
Earlier this week Cheder Chabad of Monsey held it’s 16th Anniversary Dinner at the Atrium ballroom in Monsey, NY. Close to 350 parents, educators, staff and community members were in attendance.
This past Sunday evening, Cheder Chabad of Monsey held it’s 16th Anniversary Dinner. Close to 350 parents, educators, staff and community members filled the elegant Atrium ballroom to express their gratitude to the evening’s award recipients, which included Parents of the Year Rabbi Levi and Sorah Shemtov, as well as Dedication to Chinuch Award recipients Rabbi Zelig Silber, Mrs. Libby Oster and Mrs. Pirchia Flamer.
Renowned speaker and Dean of the Yeshiva.net, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, inspired the crowd as keynote speaker with his wisdom and insight into Chassidishe chinuch. Entertainment was provided by the fabulous Cheder Boys Choir led by Mr. Bentzion Ptalis.
“The dinner was the most-well attended event in the school’s history,” said the Cheder Boys’ Limudei Kodesh Principal Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik. “The support on the part of the parents is indicative of the positive relationship that the hanhala has with the families, and we pride ourselves on our commitment to continuing to cultivate that relationship and improve upon it as Monsey Anash grows,” he added. “Our Pre-School, as well as the Girls’ Division, increases it’s student population each year, Boruch Hashem, and we hope that the Boys’ Cheder will be housed in a new facility in the not-too-distant future.”
The evening began with a lovely parve and milchig cocktail hour, after which attendees were seated and received stunning platters of pasta and fish for the first course. The main offerings included a choice of fresh and tender fillet of sole or salmon fillet, each of which was plattered with savory basmati rice and freshly steamed green vegetables. Finally, for dessert, a lavish milchig Viennese table concluded the evening’s regal fare.
Emcee Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Ehrenreich of Chabad of Chestnut Ridge introduced the various speakers, beginning with Rabbi Lesches who delivered a dvar Torah, followed by Rabbi Wolowik who led the room in the saying of the Rebbe’s kapitel. A PowerPoint presentation which included Cheder activities and events was shown on each side of the room for the parents’ enjoyment.
One of the evening’s highlights was an extraordinary performance by the Cheder Chabad Boys Choir, led by maestro Bentzi Ptalis. The boys ranged in ages from grades Two through Seven, and performed both moving and leibidike versions of Ufarazta, Kali Atah and Hoshia es Amecha, to name a few selections.
After an update on the Cheder Excellence Project, which was introduced by Cheder President Rabbi Yeruchem Cohen and given by Rabbi Zalmen Leib Markowitz, the program continued with the awards presentation. Honored for their Dedication to Chinuch, were: Rabbi Zelig Silber, 5th grade rebbe; Mrs. Libby Oster, Second Grade teacher; and Mrs. Pirchia Flamer, Pre-School aid and teacher.
In addition, the illustrious Parents of the Year Award was bestowed upon Rabbi Levi and Mrs. Sorah Shemtov, Shluchim of Chabad of Riverdale. Rabbi Shemtov delivered a moving and inspirational acceptance speech on both his and his wife’s behalf.
The evening concluded with Rabbi Yossi Jacobson engaging everyone with his wit and oratory abilities, as he not only entertained with Yiddishe anecdotes, but enlightened with emesdike insights on the Chassidishe philosophy of successful chinuch.
Way to Go
The Litzman!!!!
Hey Monsey!
Mr. Y. Cohen looks fit!
Where is Rabbi Shusterman?
the equalizer
thanks to Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman the founder and dean of chedar chabad, we had another successful dinner .
thanks to rabbi yisroel shusterman ,wonderful job