Detroit CommUnity Unites With Dovid Gabay
The yard of Lubavitch Yeshiva slowly began filling up as the – Detroit Frum – “CommUnity” started showing up for a Lag B’omer event, first of its kind in Detroit.
The “CommUnity” Event was exactly as it sounds, unity for the community, and was themed with Ahavas Yisrael and unity – from its planning, to the songs that were sung.
The Event began with a warm welcome by the MC Rabbi Shneur Polter followed by the recitation of Kapitel chof, Led by Rabbi Bentzion Stein, Menahel of Oholei Yosef Yitzchak Lubavitch. The 12 pesukim were afterwards recited by various children of the Community.
The big hit came after the 12 pesukim, a concert by the famous Jewish Music Superstar Dovid Gabay, who entertained adults and children alike with a variety of songs, including a Lag B’omer Medley, Ahavas Yisrael Medley, and a Chabad Niggunim Medley.
The Amazing program was finished off with a Grand Raffle. The fortunate winner zoomed home on a brand new electric scooter, while the other lucky winners took home an impressive set of Shas, and exquisite silver plated Tzedaka Pushka.
In addition to this, the crowd was encouraged to buy themselves letters in the children’s Sefer Torah, as of the Rebbe’s call that all children should buy themselves Letters in a special Sefer Torah to hasten the coming of Moshiach.
Thank you to the Bochurim of Yeshivas Lubavitch who spent weeks planning this amazing event, and of course special thanks must be attributed to the coordinators Menachem Deren, Levik Gourarie, Berel Sasonkin and Sholom Ber Dubov.
Another Thank you to Yosef Sufrin, Dovid Margolis, and Daniel Abraham and all those who helped out in the making and funding of this event.
Everyone but the VIP!
Seems like everyone showed up except for the VIP front row. Maybe next time give the VIP the back row!
חיים ד
שכויח דטרויטרס , יפה לכם