After 38 Years of Service, Col. Jacob Goldstein Retires
After 38 years of dedicated service in the U.S. Army, Chaplain Colonel Jacob Z. Goldstein has retired. In a ceremony in the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall at Fort Myer, Virginia, 35 army personal retired, with Col. Goldstein leading the group with his 38 years of service.
Attending the event were members of Goldstein’s family, along with a number of area Shluchim.
During the event Col. Goldstein spoke and gave thanks to his family for putting up with his 38 years of service. “At least I won’t be cutting anymore family vacations short because I was called up,” he said.
Col. Goldstein attributed his success in the army to the Lubavitcher Rebbe – who gave his blessing when asked if he should join the army as a chaplain, saying “Nachon Hadavar” [it is correct] – and to his family, for putting up with his often times chaotic schedule.
Later, at a second event in the Chaplain Hall, his son Dr. Asher Goldstein presented him with an enlarged photograph of the chaplain receiving a dollar from the Rebbe after returning from the Gulf War.
During the ceremonies, Col. Goldstein was presented with a number of certificates and awards from President Barak Obama, the Chief of Chaplains and the Office of the Army.
no one special
Good job, Yankel. Certainly you produced much good.
The Rebbe was a bit less positive when I went in. He probably saw the longevity of your service vs mine.
go Jem
Like job with the picture of the rebbe
Kol Hakavod! We as Jews need to recognize the value and necessity of our armed forces. Without our freedom our freedom to practice Yiddishkeit would be gone. We need to daven for all the people serving and thank those that have already served.
SUCH a kiddush Hashem!
It makes me so happy to see a Lubavitcher like Col. Goldstein be recognized and publicly honored like this, for such a distinguished career of service to his country and to his fellow Yidden!
Mazel tov to Col. Goldstein and his family. May our children grow up emulating his role model, not necessarily all going into the military (though that is certainly a great career to choose!), but chiefly his ways as a great individual and a true, selfless chossid of the Rebbe!
i have to thank rabbi goldstein for the advice he gave me when my child joyed the army i did just as he told me and B”H my child is back .there is a need for rabbis there. real frum ones .who dont compromise in jewish law at all.
I’m sure that he’s retired just like how the Rebbe said that people should not see vacations as lazy down time. He will be working more than ever. May he be well and strong and continue doing his avodas hakodesh, as we all should emulate
alias jack smith
we never retire we just change careers. enjoy your retiremnt,your broke the ice for others to fellow your footsteps.