Photo Gallery: Eicha at Gan Israel Parksville, NY

Campers in Camp Gan Israel Parksville, NY sit atop overturned benches and together recite eicha bemoaning the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls.


  • So many pics and not one of Manny??

    we miss you Menachem. Hope you are having a fun time without us.
    Your favorite Monsey cousins :)

  • ruvi

    seems not as many campers this year…

    I would think a change in attitude in the camps hanhalah would help. Like not being so rigid with camp tuition… Let them fundraise during the year so campers can go for free… or at a very redused rate like the other camps etc…

  • A loving Father

    I spot the MVP of the second month (S S) can anyone figure out who it is?