Chesed Shel Emes Aids in Search for Lost Tefillin
A peculiar sight unfolded this Sunday afternoon in front of Oholei Torah on Eastern Parkway. A number of Bochurim and volunteers from Chesed Shel Emes decked out in Hazmat suits and masks sifting through the mountains of trash bags in search of a lost pair of Tefillin.
According to one of the Bochurim a single pair of Rashi Tefillin went missing from Zal on Friday. A scan of the surveillance footage revealed that a custodian unknowingly threw the Tefillin out.
After calling a number of volunteer organizations, Chesed Shel Emes – whose specialty lies with Kavod Hames and recovery – answered the call and number of volunteers with hazmat suits and face masks came to the Bochurims’ aid.
Together, the group spent nearly an hour going through all the smelly trash in hopes of finding the lost Tefillin. Unfortunately they were not found.
Ezry fan
Go ezry Israel!!
Nice achdus.
Ezry at it again!!
Thank you ezry for always assisting when help is needed!…
Go ez
Look how the smelly garbage is near the playground
Why bochurim??
The cusdodian should of looked, bochurim??? This is why we pay tuition???
You have a point but u r missing the main one
Goyim don’t have the value of Teffilin and therefore their search can’t be reliable
Ezry fan!!!
Go Ezry Israel!!!! Best Bochur
Wow !!
Hiiiiii Ezry Israel!!!!! Wohooo
maybe the custodian stole them?
Maybe the custodian put the tefillin in a bag so he could retrieve it later?
chaim Rbinowitz
good job
i learn in Oholei Torah, and have to say that the goyim who work here all are very nice,a nd helpful, i doubt they did it on pupose