Monsey Cheder Holds 15th Anniversary Banquet
Several hundred fathers, mothers, teachers, staff, Anash and community members came together this Monday evening, May 26, for Cheder Chabad of Monsey’s 15th annual dinner celebrating “Dedication to Education.”
The event, which was held at the Yeshivah of Spring Valley boys building ballroom, celebrated the robust growth and expansion of the greater Monsey Chabad community, which has grown over the past decade to over 350 families, kein ayin hara.
Guests were greeted by a smorgasbord at 6:00 p.m., as the event got under way.
At 7:00 p.m., Cheder board Vice President Chaim E. Cohen took to the podium to officially welcome the crowd.
Rabbi Boruch Lesches, mara d’asra of the Monsey Chabad community, next delivered the event’s central dvar Torah.
An uplifting a cappella musical performance by the Cheder Chabad Boys Choir, under the direction of the talented Bentzion Ptalis, followed Rabbi Lesches, with parents taking pride in the professionalism of the performance.
Dinner was then served.
Guest speaker Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, the internationally renowned speaker, then delivered the keynote address. Rabbi Rietti’s inspiring talk, on the art of parenting, focused on presenting a positive face to children in all our interactions with them—supporting them emotionally. He stressed the importance of approach with regards to imparting to our children a real love for an appreciation of Yiddishkeit.
Awards were then presented to three veteran teachers, Rabbi Levi Rosenberg, Mrs. Rochel Baron, and Ms. Mariasha Greenberg, honoring them with the school’s Dedication to Education Award.
Board President Rabbi Yeruchem Cohen ended the event with acknowledging the many individuals who helped make the event the success that it was, followed by bentching and maariv.
Guests came away with the sense that here is a community that works.
awww rabbi kagen thats so cute!
Go Litzman
U ROck