Talented Women Perform at Library’s ‘Night of Lights’
The last night of Chanukah was lit up in Crown Heights, with a dazzling show of talent at The Levi Yitzchok Library’s exclusive concert, titled ‘A Night of Lights.’
The audience was captivated by the star-studded line-up: Dalia Shusterman and Perl Wolfe of Bulletproof Stockings, Esther Freeman, Sara Hecht, Chava Shapiro, Mirele Rosenberger, Sarah Dukes, Rivka Leah Cylich, Shaina Brummel, Shaina Mushka Goldstein, Riv Eilfort and Shoshana Michel.
With an eclectic mix of musical genres, from country-inspired, Jewish-pop to soulful Niggunim and classical Opera, the evening was a veritable celebration of Jewish women’s music at its best! The sell-out concert, in the vintage-inspired, candle-lit library space, was truly a gala affair.
The event was an initiative to both fundraise for the library in support of its growing activities, and also reacquaint the Crown Heights community, with one of its greatest community treasures.
Addressing the audience, Mrs. Nechamy Segal related how her father, Rabbi Nechemiah Kessler, OBM, was one of the Levi Yitzchok Library’s first dedicated librarians. Under the Lubavitch Youth Organization and Avraham Wachsman, Rabbi Kessler was among the core devotees involved in the library’s establishment.
The library was founded in 1972 in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, following the Rebbe’s public address regarding the importance of a communal Jewish Library. Named for the Rebbe’s father, the Rebbe took a personal interest in the library’s activities, encouraging it to be ‘a place not for borrowing books alone, but an environment to engage people in meaningful conversation.’
During its glory days, the Library was a vibrant hub of activity. Stepping foot inside, one would encounter endless tables filled with groups of students and visitors hunched over piles of books, engaged in animated discussion.
About a year ago, the library received a new breath of life by a group of dedicated individuals, who are passionate to actualize its full potential. “These Seforim are gems, where our answers lie, where life itself is to be found. But it is not enough that they are on the shelf,” explained one of the library’s dedicated staff members. “When I see the library, I see bringing these books – the deep values and truths of the Chassidic library – to life”.
With this vision, and under the direction of Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of the Lubavitch Youth Organization, the library has been renovated, and now hosts a variety of weekly, seasonal and interest-based activities. In addition to exclusive visiting hours for men, women and families, the library is now home to a variety of successful programs, including: men’s and ladies’ shiurim, classes, farbrengens, story-time hour, musical Mommy and Me, women’s Chavrusa learning and a young-readers book club. Soon to commence are the young-writer’s publishing club, Chassidic art workshops, and outreach projects for teenagers.
The Library invites the community to share in their vision. “We want it to be a community effort, whether sponsoring a new book in honor of a child’s birthday, volunteering one’s time to restore old Seforim or leading a story-time session, the possibilities for community involvement are endless,” said one staff member.
The Levi Yitzchok Library is again a warm, vibrant, community space and so much more. The Library’s doors are open to all, with the invitation to “come borrow a book, attend a class” and “become a part of the library’s new chapter in history, today.”
For Library activities and live updates, visit and ‘like’ the library’s page at https://www.facebook.com/TheLeviYitzchokLibrary, or visit www.leviyitzchoklibrary.com. To find out how you can be a part of the library’s projects, email lyllibrary@gmail.com or call 718-778-4598.
when is this library open?
it looks really nice
can we get a video?
No Mendel you can’t !
Sara Hecht
Wow, wish I were there! I’m in South Korea and I play Sara Hecht’s new CD all of the time….so beautiful! She’s amazing! I’m sure the entire evening and event must have been incredible….is there a video?