Car Menorahs Parade Though Central Melbourne

On Tuesday evening, the 7th night of Chanukah, close to 40 vehicles formed a Car Menorah Parade through the streets of Melbourne, Australia, publicizing the miracle of Chanuka in the beautiful summer weather.

The Parade, organized by Menachem Aron, drove through many major shopping strips, drawing much attention from pedestrians and other vehicles alike.

Chanuka Menora Kits were distributed throughout the Parade, in addition to the joy that was generated at every red light by the spontaneous dancing.

The parade, having been coordinated rather spontaneously in under 48 hours, was a great success.

Special thanks go to Avi Vorchheimer for helping with coordinating the Parade, and to the Bochurim of Yeshiva Gedola Zal for ensuring the Parade ran smoothly. A thank you also goes to all the drivers who participated in the parade and helped make it a reality.

Photos by Menachem Aron and Mendy Reicher

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