Friendship Circle Farbrengs for Kislev

The boys’ division of the Crown Heights Friendship Circle got together this past Sunday to celebrate the various ‘Yomei D’pagra’ that take place during the festive month of Kislev.

Volunteer students from local Yeshivos, taking the only break they have during their rigorous schedule, joined with young adults with special needs to create replicas of the “Black Wagon” that the Alter Rebbe rode in on his way to prison.

After the arts & crafts, dinner was served, while the boys listened to inspirational stories and anecdotes from Rabbi Yaakov Sebag and sang a host of Chasidishe Nigunim.

The evening concluded with a fun game of Jewish History ‘Match-It.’

The Friendship Circle would like to thank Yossi Smoller for organizing the event.

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