Photos by Meir Alfasi. Courtesy of

Krinsky Family Completes Torah in Memory of Mother

A brand new Sefer Torah was completed this afternoon at the Ohel. The new Torah was written and completed in memory of Mrs. Devorah Krinsky OBM, wife of Rabbi Yehudah Krinsky YBDL, Chairman of Merkos Linyonei Chinuch. Its writing began on the eve of the Shloshim to her passing.

Before beginning the event, the family visited the Ohel and Rebbetzin Krinsky’s graveside.

Family and friends then gathered in the large tent at the Ohel, and all got a chance to inscribe a letter in the new Torah. Among those attending were Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos Linyonei Chinuch, and Rabbi Avraham Shemtov, Chairman of Agudas Chassidei Chabad.

Once completed, a procession accompanied the Torah around the neighborhood, returning to the Ohel tent for Hakafos.

Later in the day, the family sat down for a Seudas Mitzvah back in Crown Heights.

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