Yeshivas YNS NJ Holds Graduation

Yeshivas YNS celebrated its second graduation as five bochurim walked amidst their friends, members of the community, and their family to become the graduating class of 2013-5773.

The ceremony began with the graduates slowly entering the gymnasium to the tune of Ani Ma’amin.   After they were seated, those present heard the beautiful words of all five graduates, as they related over a Dvar Torah combined with their personal experiences while in YNS.

Honors in Hebrew and secular studies graduate Yitzchok Gajer began by expressing how we must learn from Pinchos HaKohen,  how although we are normally quiet and shy, we must stand up and do the right thing no matter what it takes.

He went on to explain how words may not be enough at times, and we must do action although we might be looked down upon for going against the tide.

Shimon Feldman then explained to us how we must always approach things with a positive attitude.   Giving over a personal example, he informed us about the best Purim he ever experienced.   If you have a good attitude about a test, he exclaimed, you will do well. He taught us all how we can’t be like Amalek who is apathetic – it’s a pathetic concept to live your life by.

Shmuel Kotlarsky related how he learned that a teacher doesn’t mean someone behind a desk, rather it is anyone you learn from.   He went on to explain how he leaned a lot from all of his teachers, especially in the aspect of respecting people for who they are.

Levi Nodel spoke about how the Poroh Adumah can make pure those who use it; however those who make it become impure.   So too, he continued, we must face the challenges of the outside world, even at the risk of our own purity.   We have to face it head-on and not let anything stop us.

Mendy Levitan went on to exclaim how we all must do things simply because we were asked to do it. We shouldn’t need a reason to do a mitzvah; we should do it simply because Hashem asked us that we do it.   Kabbolas Ol must be a fundamental part of our lives.

Following the graduates, Rabbi Yaacov Orimland, the Rosh Yeshiva, spoke about how we must stick to what is important to us – no matter what our future holds in store for us.   Rabbi ‘O’ went on to instill in us the lesson that we must stay strong and show the world that we can stick to our beliefs, that we must keep yiddishkeit and chassidishkeit alive within us at all times.

After words of inspiration by Dr. Ira Trocki, the guests saw a video presentation entitled YNS – A Glimpse into the Past.   It went through the past three years at YNS, year by year, and showed many different events that occurred, in order that those memories not be forgotten.

After receiving their diplomas the graduates walked out amid much applause to Napoleon’s March.   To register for the upcoming school year or for further information on the yeshiva call 609-418-0357 or email

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  • mazel tov

    mazel tov to the graduates!
    mazel tov to their parents!
    mazel tov to Rabbi O!

  • shluchim

    what happened to all the shluchim morristown sent there??? i dont see one in the photos…what happened