Boys Division Friendship Circle Volunteers Appreciated

Forty Bochurim make up the Friendship Boys Division volunteers and they were rewarded with their own appreciation event Thursday night. The volunteers enjoyed a barbeque and received a gift as a token of appreciation for their commitment to the young adults with special needs in our community.

Rabbi Berel Majesky, director of the Crown Heights Friendship Circle, thanked the volunteers for their work and urged to encourage the next group of Bochurim to join for the upcoming year.

A special thank you was given to Yossi Smoller, coordinator of the boys division for organizing the event and for his dedication to the boys and Bochurim of the Friendship Circle.

The event was graciously hosted by the Eichorn Family.

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  • Oholei Torah

    Go Oholei Torah.
    After learning a whole day, they give of their precious time for Frienddship Circle.
    True Chasidishe Ahavas Yisroel.