Full House for ‘Celebrating Motherhood’ Evening

Wednesday evening over 400 woman packed into the Chovevei Torah ballroom for an evening ‘Celebrating Motherhood’, discussing various topics pertaining to the subject of families and motherhood.

Is having a large family chassidish or is it simply Jewish? Why is there such an emphasis on family size in our community? I love my children, but what if I’m tired/there’s no money/my husband works long hours/I need time for myself? What do I say when my in-laws, my grandparents, my siblings criticize my family’s growth?

Those were some of the questions that were discussed by Mrs. Rivkah Slonim and Rabbi Shmuel Bluming.

Later an interactive panel with Mrs. Sora Morozow and Mrs. Slonim was opened for a question and answer session on the topic of ‘making it work for you’.

All participants were entered into a raffle for a $100 gift certificate to Everything but the Baby. The lucky winner was Gittel Shneur.

The event was a project of the Crown Heights Junior N’shei, The Beis Medrash Women’s Circle, Beis Rivkah, Beis Shmuel, Mikvah.org and the Russian Junior N’shei.

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  • Mother

    I tried teleconference # but the number was not active. Is there a recording of this event. I would love to hear it.

  • My opinion.

    Is having a large family chassidish or is it simply Jewish? It’s simply Jewish.

    What do I say when my in-laws, my grandparents, my siblings criticize my family’s growth? It’s none of their business what people choose to do with their own lives. Unless there are other family issues that are affected by this.

    (Obviously, I don’t advocate irresponsible family planning, since every individual person is a priceless treasure and deserves the best their families can offer them, corny as that may sound. Just that judging other people for family size is kinda whack.)

    • To#2

      I’m not sure that it’s chassidish or Jewish as much as simply traditional. I’m under the impression that most cultures throughout history promoted large families because they helped with the farm work and because there was a good chance that half the kids would die, so it was always generally preferable to have more.

  • I wish

    I have ka”h eight children and when I tell people [frum or not] I wish i had more they look at me like i am crazy! Children are what its all about! Put all your efforts into giving them your QUALITY TIME!

  • By the way

    You can have 2 children and not make time for them and you can have 10 and make time!!!! it depends on the parents and what they hold dear!

  • To 3

    Traditional? Perhaps. Buy for hidden that’s not a good enough reason. What happens as soon as we dont have farms and children are expensive instead of cutting expenses? dome stop having so many?

    We do it because we were commanded by hashem. First mitzvah in the Torah is pru Urvu umilu es haretz.