Photos: Simcha and Chayus at the Empire Bonfire!
A Lag Ba’omer bonfire and celebration took place for the 29th year on Empire Boulevard in the backyard of the Horowitz family. Together, Rabbi Sholom Horowitz and Rabbi Nachman Twerskei held their annual ‘Hadlokoh’ of a Bonfire in honor of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai.
The tradition began in 1984 after the Rebbe spoke about the importance of such gathering, aimed at instilling Ruchaniyus and Chayus in the youth.
big yasher koach to
chezky herz for all that he has done to make this fire happen
In a farvofene veter shlichus it really warms the heart to see the photo’s! Teyere yidden! Rabbi Twersky SHLIT”A! Rabbi Dalfon SHLIT”A!!! Please put up a video clip!!!
Leshono habo beyrusholayim with the Rashbi and the Rebbe nosee dorainu! Amain now!!
kan tziva
paylishe minhagim……..
lets see Rabbi Twerski dance like his brother….that would be a sight!
when did this new minug start bon fire did the rebba ever speak about it? all after gimmel tamuz?