JCM Marks 6th Dinner With Preview of the New Floor
On Thursday night, May 18th, the Jewish Children’s Museum hosted its Sixth Annual Dinner, celebrating over one million kids in six years since opening, and gave guests a special preview of the fourth floor of exhibits – due to open in July.
[full report to follow]
Where is Zevi’s Tie
Duby L.
The JCM should be so proud of the beautiful Kiddush HaShem they make. They are so professional and it is no doubt why so many diverse groups of people love being involved in their organizations. Mazal Tov on the new addition !!!
Rochi & Chaim – may you continue to experience great successes in your Young Leadership Committee…. we are so proud of you!!!! (ps – Rochi you look stunning as always! ;)
not sure
not sure about all theses events. im sure its for a good cause.
but the food OMG…
Avraham and Sarah-s Tent
I hope the placement of the tent is temporary. If I remmember from 1st grade, the tent was open on all four sides.
Great job JCM.
what is that barre bonds card doing thre
Where’s Gershon
Sam Akselrod is one of the most charitable individuals out there. His gives his time for so many great organizations!
May g-d bless him
riv and jake! good to see some of the kash fam!
mushka l.
cool i cant wait to come see it p.s. hey ta who is that guy sitting next to you