London Yeshiva Spends Shabbos in Amsterdam

by Yitzy Hayes – Yeshiva Gedola of London

This past Shabbos, in honor of Purim Koton the entire Yeshiva Gedola of London experienced a “Shabbos achdus” in Amsterdam, Holland. It was a very inspiring trip which I will remember for the rest of my life.

Due to the many weeks of intense preparation by the Talmidei Hashluchim, this past Thursday night, a dream finally became a reality.

The journey took about 10 hours, which include a ferry ride across the English Channel. On the Ferry the bocherim and the Shluchim farbrenged with each other just like any other Thursday night in yeshiva.

Upon arrival in Amsterdam we made a quick stop at the local mikva before arriving at the final destination where we would be staying for Shabbos. Upon arrival, we davened shachris and ate breakfast in preparation for the packed day which the Shluchim had arranged for us. This included visiting the “Portuguese Shul” which was built in 1633 and is still in use. Afterwards we took a tour of the “Anne Frank house”, and visited numerous other places throughout the city.

It was a big Kiddush Hashem to see 40 bochurim in hats and jackets walking around the streets of Amsterdam. Many people came up to us while we were walking around the city, so we were able to do a tremendous amount of mivtzoim. We put Teffilin on many people including a large amount of Israeli tourists, who also asked us where they would be able to find a Chabad House to spend Shabbos. We were also approached by many foreign tourist and local Jews who told us that seeing so many religious boys walking proudly through the streets, made them feel proud to be Jewish.

While we were waiting for our ride back to the place where we were staying, everybody started singing and dancing on the street, as the joy of Purim Koton quickly spread through the group

On Friday night, we all farbrenged until the early hours of the morning. The Shluchim spoke about the importance of achdus and what can be achieved through it. A special thanks to our fantastic chef, Simcha Hyams, for all his hard work and delicious food.

We woke up early on Shabbos morning to walk nearly 1 hour each way to the mikva, braving the cold winter weather. After davening we had a Fabrengen with Rabbi Vorst, the head Shliach of Holland. He spoke about the connection he had to the Rebbe, and his nearly 50 years of shlichus there. He also spoke about his efforts in trying to find a connection between the daily Shiur Tanya and the parsha of the week, or time of the year. So far he has discovered nearly 100 such occasions. Rabbi Menachem Evers, Shliach to Amsterdam, also farbrenged for us.

I really would like to thank all of the Shluchim; Yitzchok Fishman, Saadia Liberow, Meir Shlomo Paris, Peretz Schapiro, Yisroel Sternbach and Yonoson Waller, for all the time and effort they put into making this past Shabbos the amazing success that it was. Without their efforts a dream would never have become a reality.


Written by Yitzy Hayes, a Bochur in Yeshiva Gedola of London