Chodesh Adar at Cheder Chabad Boys

Monsey Chabad Blog

MONSEY, NY — This past Sunday the Cheder PTA organized two programs to get into the mood of Chodesh Adar.

In the spirit of מרבים בשמחה Moshe Sobol taught the boys all about drumming and rhythm, how different types of drums and chimes work and how to follow musical instructions. Each child had their own bongo to play on. The children also drummed to the tunes of different Adar nigunim that they happily sang.

The children also shared their simcha with others who do not have the same opportunities as they do. They made special Purim masks with messages on them that are being sent to Jewish soldiers in the US military.

Special thanks to Mrs. Bracha Meshchaninov and Mrs. Michal Silverstein for coordinating the event and to Mrs. Rochel Leah Ash and Mrs. Yocheved Rapoport for assisting with the mask project. Thanks also to Mr. Ilya Meshchaninov for his help in transporting over 50 drums!