Monsey Cheder Boys Learn the Science of Tuv B’Shvat
This past Sunday, the PTA of Cheder Chabad Boys sponsored a Science Day which turned the boys into mini scientists as they conducted hands on activities and learned about the seven minim at seven different stations – one for each min!
Their activities included:
* Watching a video of how flour was made and then crushed and sifted wheat kernels.
* Seeing how barley turns into beer and watched yeast blow up a balloon.
* Learning what chromatography was about and used pomegranate dye (both yellow and red) to tie-dye t shirts.
* The older children looked at leaves through microscopes while the younger children looked at figs through magnifying glasses to look for bugs and count seeds.
* Tasting date honey and bee honey and chose which they liked better.
* And finally, they made lava lamps… whew!
The boys were given individual manila folders to keep their handouts just like the scientists they were!
They went smoothly from station to station, led by their Rebbis, and came to a station that was run by wonderful parent volunteers – Mrs. Bassi Friedman, Mrs. Rashi Kaplan, Mrs. Tamar Dickel, Mrs. Rosie Lehrer, Mrs. Chanie Cohen, Mrs. Rochel Hirsch, Mrs. Miriam Kagan, Mrs. Alicia Atlman, Mr. Chaim Bloch, Mr. Uriel Ashand Mr. Yosef Levine.
Mrs. Michal Silverstein and Mrs. Rochel Leah Ash planned and coordinated the event, and everyone combined to make it a wonderful learning experience for all! Special thanks to Rabbi Wolowik for his help and support and the boys school secretary Miss S. Steinberger.
Yea Rashi! You’re awesome!
hey cool! wish i could be there…..
i love moshe chaim
its SO impressive!!! What a great hands on experience for the boys, I hope that all the other yeshivos take a lesson from this!!! LOVE IT