Photos: Blizzageddon 2010, Crown Heights Still ‘Frozen’
It has been four days since the first flurries began falling, and becoming the blizzard of 2010, earning the nickname Blizzageddon by many NY bloggers, and Crown Heights is still mostly entombed in a snowy frozen zone.
Next crisis coming soon.
Next crisis coming soon. The garbage will be piling up higher then the snow while they try to clean the streets.
Welcome to (Wasn’t this once called “Fun City”)
zaki where r u?
what is the chjcc doing to alleviate our unplowed streets?
oiss vorff
zaki cant even tie his shoe , never mind running crown hights
what’s with all the Carroll St. pics? Take a picture of the service road on Eastern Parkway. Hasn’t been touched, no one can get into or leave this block other than on foot.
yanky doodle
nothing to do with zaki, bloomberg needs time square cleaned first for the new years party
Mayor Bloomberg really stuck it to the yeshiva parents (son who attends Ocean Pkwy has been home for 3 days, and I know Bais Rivkah has been closed)!
Now this is Zaki’s fault?
When you make claims like that, your legitimate complaints against him lose validity as well.
snowed in
Here we go .. the blame game.
The snow came from G-d. A clear message that He is in charge showing us how one snow can change things beyond our imagination.
As for the blaming .. the mayor is the one that is the elected caretaker and ultimately he is to blame for not pro-acting. All the funds from the raised R.E. taxes and tickets should have serviced those people who are paying. The R.E. taxes were much lower when Rudy was mayor and he had the streets cleaned and prepared in advance. Bloomberg is pompous – living in his ivy tower – he has no clue how Mr Regular Joe Shmoe lives and what is happening in the lives of the ordinary folks. If he can stand in front of the camera and declare all is well .. go to the theaters and go out to eat..etc then “az achin vei” to us all – here once again we are reminded that our lives are in the Aibishter’s hands and not a human. As for blaming the people in the council.. that is totally absurd. Are you going to blame the airlines for people who could not make it to a relatives simcha because of the snow?
Blaming the Grocer for running out of supplies?
Start putting yourselves in another’s shoes and think things through just a bit before you start the blame game. Go out and do what you can .. help your neighbor .. your friend.. your mother ..etc and then once you have an idea of how complex this domino affect is then see how differently you will speak. Moshiach now!!
no wonder everyone is so busy complaining they cant walk on the sideswalks?! No one shoveled anything but a little path!
Thanks to new Carroll Management
the community owes a massive thank you to the new management that took over the 2 corner buildings on Carroll and Albany for installing the cameras and lights.
they did something in 1 year and old time real estate owners have not even done yet.
THANK YOU for making our neighbored safer!!!
number 8 well said!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick of hearing angry people blaming everyone around them… like the world owes them something.