Photo Gallery: Pictures Recovered Mumbai Chabad Computer

Gallery of pictures of the Hotzberg’s and their Shlichus in Mumbai, India. The pictures were recently recovered by an Israeli company from the Chabad House computer.

Large Photo Gallery in the Extended Article!


  • anonymous

    they are all beautiful, but the last one says it all. i would like a copy of this picture, where can i get one?

  • to number one

    you could select the picture (drag clicked mouse over the picture until it turns blue) and then right click and save as image. then you could save it in your folder of pictures.
    but yes these pictures are stunning, and give me strength to continue with my shlichus.

  • mt

    to 1
    i agree
    it makes a lasting impression on everyone. no words are necesary. their all said. all the holtzbergs accomplished can be shown in this picture
    i never heard of them but now i feel like their family and im crying bitter tears when i look at these pictures

    hashem they were shluchim for your sake, they gave up all that was familiar and went to some forsaken land of india. what mesirus nefesh to the last day of their lives. hashem see this mesirus nefesh and bring moshiach in their sake.

    but shoin now comes adar we have to get strong, mishenichnas adar marbim besimcha, focus on the miracle of moishele escaping, and do more and more mitzvos so moshiach will come NOW and well go to EY and the geula with gabi and rivky leading us.

    MOSHIACH NOW! may we be reunited with them and the 4 other victims of this horrible tragedy and all klal yisroel BIMHEIRO BEYOMEINU!
    btw anyone have any idea which baby that is? it looks like moishe, but it might be 1 of his brothers a”h

  • hyd?

    its not anymore a Q of wanting moshiach. WE NEED MOSHIACH NOW! AD MOSAI!!
    but 1 thing i dont understand. why do we write by them HY“D( hashem yinkom damam)? i mean, hashem will yet take care of taking revenge of the murderers, thats hashems bussiness
    shouldt we write more like ‘may they come back to us soon” or “ may moshiach come and well see them again” or something? after all, what do you wqant more, hashem taking nekomo of the reshaim, or bringing bac kthe tzadikim lehavdil? why do we need the nekomo? the ones that deserve it will get it no doubt but we care about getting G and R back.
    why hy”d?

  • yizchok

    It is a custommary saying HY”D and besides it says that part of Moshiach’s coming will be hashem taking Nekomo.

  • ceo

    we should make tremendous efforts to have the ahavas yisroel that Gaby & Rivky hy’d had for others. There is no other peula big enough to compare to loving any Jew no matter how difficult or simple they are. Just learn to love all Jews.

  • anonymous

    if we knew them not at all we still knew them well,
    look at their faces you can just tell!!!!!

    we will all imy”h be reunited as one whole together with Gabbi and Rivky Holtzberg in yerushalayim by the third Beis Hamikdosh!