Hazel Sanchez - WCBS 2 TV
Man Pulled Victim From Path Of Train And Disappeared

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BRONX, NY — The woman you're about to meet, knows a lot about the spirit of giving. She's a blood donor who gave the gift of life just one night before a Good Samaritan would save hers.

Woman Searching For Her NYC Subway Hero

Hazel Sanchez – WCBS 2 TV
Man Pulled Victim From Path Of Train And Disappeared

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BRONX, NY — The woman you’re about to meet, knows a lot about the spirit of giving. She’s a blood donor who gave the gift of life just one night before a Good Samaritan would save hers.

On the morning before Thanksgiving witnesses say 24-year-old Lisa Donath collapsed face first onto the tracks of the 191st Street train station, knocking out her teeth and breaking her jaw and eye socket.

“I was just standing here and I started getting really hot, so I unbuttoned my coat and I started getting really dizzy,” Donath said. “So I leaned up against this pillar and that was the last thing that I remembered.”

But then a stranger jumped in to lift her to safety just seconds before a train pulled in.

“I kind of looked out of the corner of my eye and I saw this Hispanic man standing there,” Donath said. “And I remember mouthing the words thank you, but I really couldn’t talk, and I didn’t know what was going on. He kind of just nodded and that was the last I saw him.”

Several days after the accident Donath ran into a man who gave her a shirt to stop the bleeding. While walking in the train station one week later, she saw the woman who stayed by her side, but the man who risked everything has alluded her.

Donath isn’t counting on her luck to find the man that saved her. She wanted to put up posters in the subway station but she says the Metropolitan Transportation Authority wouldn’t allow her. So now she’s hoping he’s out there somewhere watching and will contact her.

“I’d love to find him and thank him,” Donath said. “Because without him I wouldn’t be here.”


  • random acts of kindness

    This reminds me somewhat of a story that happened to me 27 years ago. while I was waiting for a train at the union square station, my shoes fell onto the tracks and some guy jumped onto the tracks to retrieve my shoes. Everytime I hear a story about train tracks, I always wonder if i thanked that guy enough, I hope he was rewarded for his random act of kindness. I hope she finds the guy, he saved her life, now me I could have gotten another pair of shoes.

  • HaHa

    That guy must have been nuts, i would never – and i dont think anyone would – risk my life for someone’s SHOES!!, he must have been an angel from heaven!

  • ch mom

    thank G-d this story had a happy ending. i beg everyone, dont’t stand near the edge of the platform.

  • gertie

    Wow what a story ! Ya see , this is what we should all be doing for everyone so then moshiach can come ! Who ever saved her , G-d bless you (and save more people please) We want moshiach now !!

  • a crownheightser

    Thank you C.H.info for printing this heartwarming story!What a breath of fresh air for a change!

  • CH

    “Several days after the accident Donath ran into a man who gave her a shirt to stop the bleeding. While walking in the train station one week later, she saw the woman who stayed by her side, but the man who risked everything has alluded her.”

    Just so people know the woman who stayed by her side actually is lubavitch and lives in crown heights, who happened to be doing her shift in the hospital at the time and when she saw this frum woman under such conditions, she treated her as a sister and stayed by her side until later on that day when the womans family showed up, the woman has kept in contact with the girl.
    We could all learn something from the way this woman as well as the man that jumped in the tracks to save this girl. It’s not the credit you should be seeking rather it’s the pure intentions of just helping someone without anything in return.

  • annoy

    so nice to hear about this! nice to hear good news somethimes! and who cares about a shoe anwyay? the guy that saved it is stupid coz he was risking his life for a silly SHOE!! but this guy is special and is actually something to think about

  • logical

    the man obviosly wont say his name because 1st of all he wasnt to do an act of kindness in the highest level doing something great and saving someones life and being unknown is the most highest u can go
    he did it 4 hashem and not 4 fame
    and money

  • wahoo?

    just like when my car wouldn’t start, when i was in midtown. a car pulled up alongside my, attached cables, boosted my car – and then sped off before i had a chance to thank him. who was this person? the curiosity kills.