330 Extra Cops to Combat Rise in Shootings
New York City police say shootings are up so far this year and to combat the spike, 330 officers are being pulled from their usual duties for special patrols. So far this year, there have been 439 shootings, up from 403 in 2014.
From the Associated Press:
Chief of Department James O’Neill said Monday the NYPD does not take the rise lightly and is focused on stopping the violence.
The department used similar patrols last summer to combat a rise in shootings and other violence predicted during the hotter months. This year, the patrols will start next week, a month earlier than last year.
varney dagal
why extra cops? just put airport tsa agents in every building hahaha
a yid
they got their OK from DC
whadya expect?
Gun control works
With so many laws making it nearly impossible for me to own a gun…shootings went up?!
I wonder what went wrong.
There can’t be any crimes with guns involved. Guns were banned and made illegal to poses in NY.
Locked and Loaded Lubavitcher
Ummmmm….. #4, what planet are you from??!!?? This is planet earth, welcome. We live in a place called the “world of reality”, not some utopian alter world. In the “world of reality” the reality is (not to sound too clichéd, but) “when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns”. In places where people have the inherent “right to carry” of the 2nd amendment respected (unlike in NYC , or NYS) there aren’t these problems!
I’m fairly certain #4 was being sarcastic.
To Ezra
That’s the problem with emails, texts etc. There’s no tone of voice or facial expression, so one needs to read and write carefully to avoid as much as possible things not being taken the wrong way…
mitzvah man2
Crime in Nyc will certainly increase.
Welcome to the joys of living in new York
by, the way, gun laws are issued and passed to ensure that criminals have complete and unlimited usage of guns in committing crimes
really #5???
you claim to be a new yorker and don’t know sarc??? someone who claims to be “locked and loaded” should especially know i was being sarc.
They could put 1000 extra cops out and it wouldn’t make a difference, so long as those cops know that if they get involved in an incident their bosses will not have their backs. Since the politicians turned on the police in Ferguson and in Baltimore, and made them the enemy, who can blame the police for not wanting to risk themselves to save people who probably hate them anyway. In 6 months we have wiped out 20 years of steady decine in crime, and it will only get worse.
@ Milhouse, well said.