Report: Carjackers Lure Drivers Out of Running Vehicles
Carjacking has become disturbingly common in the Tri-State Area, with hundreds of cases terrifying drivers. As CBS 2’s Kathryn Brown reported, experts said everyone should be aware of the new modus operandi that criminals are using to get their cars.
Many people have left the car running while hopping out for a few seconds.
“I didn’t know it was something to be concerned about,” said driver David Landis.
But security experts said it is indeed something to be concerned about. Carjackers are more aggressive than ever.
As anti-theft devices become more sophisticated, thieves have been left with fewer ways to hotwire a parked car.
“Those methods are obsolete now with the new electronic systems,” said Dr. Mark Lerner, president of Epic Security Corp. “However, the demand for stolen cars has not gone down, so the thieves in the stolen car rackets need new techniques.”
Lerner, a security expert, said the new tactics include covering the backup camera with tape to block a driver’s view, or even sticking a note on the back of a car.
The theory is that the driver will notice something is wrong, and get out to check while the thief makes off with the car.
Aside from never leaving your car idling alone, Lerner advised drivers not to stop, and to check immediately if something seems amiss.
“If something is suspicious, lock your car and proceed to a safe area,” Lerner said.
And most importantly, experts say you should not fight back. You can replace your car, but not your life.
If they thought people were armed and had the right to shoot they would think twice… Ie . Tx and fl do not have this epidemic!
Let someone try to open my car while I am inside with my family, I will ask questions later!!!
Its a hoax
See http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/carjack.asp
This is 100% a hoax. Doesn’t CH fact check these things?