A speed camera on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Bedford Ave.
120 New Speed Cameras Headed for New York City
More than 200 new speed cameras are coming to New York City and Long Island, after the state’s Senate voted to authorize them on Wednesday, two days after the Assembly did.
Governor Andrew Cuomo supports the measure and is expected to sign it into law.
New York City will get 120 of the new speed cameras, which will be in addition to the 20 speed cameras currently in operation. On Long Island, 69 cameras will go to Suffolk County and 56 to Nassau County.
The cameras will operate during, and immediately before and after, school hours. Speeders caught by the cameras will be mailed a $50 ticket.
The devices are expected to raise millions of dollars in revenue for local governments.
Gee zus
“The devices are expected to raise millions of dollars in revenue for local governments.”
Alternatively, people could stop speeding. They’ll only consider it “speeding” if you’re driving more than 10 MPH above the limit. Actually remarkably easy to drive at 30-35 on city streets and still get where you’re going.
Ambiguous lanugage
Explain what times they will be giving out tickets?
According to what school will they give tickets?