New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Governor Proposes Tax Break for Renters
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is supporting the minority position of his own tax commission when it comes to providing a property-tax credit to renters across the state, with most of the break going to New York City tenants.
Including renters with homeowners in his property-tax-cutting plan would strike a political balance that could get the proposal through the Legislature.
Cuomo’s commission supported his goal of reducing property taxes upstate and in the city’s suburbs, where residents pay some of the nation’s highest taxes.
A Cuomo rep said that the governor will also push a tax credit for renters statewide.
Tenants don’t pay property taxes, why should they get a break on them? Give it to the landlords who pay the taxes in the first place; it’s their money.
the rent we pay also covers property taxes and water and all the cost of running a building.
Of course it does; but it’s the landlord who pays it, and passes the cost on to you. So let the government give him back his money, and he won’t have to charge you so much.
Yep, give the grocery store owner Food Stamps so that he won’t charge the customers for the food. I think they do that in Chelem.
homeowner to 2
So give me the credit to help me cover the expenses, and I will reduce your rent.
i’ll believe it when I see it!
To #3
That’s not going to happen. The landlord will just keep it and not reduce the rent…everyone knows that!
Yeah they will lower the rent…
To Homeowner
Yeah right. I don’t believe that for a second.
Hatzlacha Raba!
great job!!!!!