Pol Suggests 25-Year Sentence for Playing ‘Knockout’
A New York state legislator says it’s time to crack down out the violent “knockout game” in which youths “sucker punch” innocent bystanders for kicks.
Republican Assemblyman Jim Tedisco of Schenectady told The Associated Press Thursday that his bill would make the violent game a gang assault with a sentence of up to 25 years. Youths would be charged as adults.
Tedisco says his measure is intended to be a deterrent to stop the game and avoid more serious injuries by what he calls “twisted and cowardly thugs.”
Participants try to punch a stranger so hard they are rendered unconscious, often while other youths record the attack for online sites.
Tedisco’s bill will also include prison time for those convicted of attending to watch or record the assaults.
I like it and how much time someone get for just punching or hitting someone for no reason?
I hope cooler heads prevail on this one.
I am as appalled as anyone else about these incidents, but giving a minor a life sentence for doing something like this is beyond stupid.
Now cue the hysteria…
You’re absolutely right, a long prison sentence is the wrong punishment in these cases.
These kids need a taste of their own medicine — a nice beating is quick, cheap, and will teach them what it feels like to get punched in the face…
I totally agree with you. Let me know how you feel once you get sucker punched or a family member. Will cooler heads still prevail? My hope is that yes, in your case, no in everyone elses.
Anyone under Age 18 who plays Knockout
Should go to jail (instead of just getting a warning from the Police after their First 2 crimes and only going to juvenile hall after their 3rd crime)
And it should be written on their Permanent Police Record.
(If you can do the Crime you can do the Time)
B.H. These Black Teenager’s are doing Adult Crimes, and they should be accountable for such.
There was some years back, a Police Commissioner, named Benjamin Ward, and he told the truth about his own Black Community, he said, that if there is a mugging, robbery or a shooting, it will only be committed by a Black. We do not start up with them, so how can we walk the streets in confidence, without fearing, and looking over our shoulder’s.
This 25 year sentence will be a deterrent. Perhaps now, we will get somewhere, and stop this dangerous Game of KNOCKOUT, which is a HATE CRIME.
sounds good
Good idea – dont do the crime if you cant do the time
25 years seems rather over the top. Probably an eighth amendment violation. And merely watching or recording an attack would seem to be protected by the first amendment.
Recording an attack= aiding and abetting
Many cases ruled that way, if it encourages the crime. Milhouse will change his view if he is victim of a knock out – then 25 years would seem too little.
Garbage. There have been no such cases. There can’t be, because the first amendment protects it.
Not the right sentance
25 years in regular prison will not help. they should be sent to juvie. without a warning
its a deadly game. 25 is not even enough, because they can cut it down. IF any judge gets soft on it, then it will ruin the plan though
enough is enough
I agree with this piece of legislation. good luck getting it passed though. i doubt it will be unfortunately :( these low lifes, like all the rest of the low lifes who hurt innocent people always get off with either a slap on the wrist or nothing at all, it’s a joke. gotta get tougher on crime.
to #2
These surprise “knockout punches” are now happening in other states. This week a very healthy 70 year old man in Georgia was knocked down so violently with a “knockout punch” that he broke his hip and several other bones. He is now needing surgery and many months of recuperation that may not give him the same physical stability that he had before. They need to consider this behavior as CRIMINAL not some kids playing childish games. There has to be consequences for this violent act.
put them in boot camps in texas, where they have to work from early morning till late night. through this they for sure will start to recognize the value of a human life.
This is the best idea, even for the accessory witnesses who stand by and cheer it on. I hope this goes beyond talk, and is seriously considered.
Cheering a crime does not make someone an accessory. It’s protected by the first amendment.
Boy. From the hood
I like to see TJ.’s. face. After he get a punch in the. Face . !!!! Let’s see him talk. Then HUA ?
They should be stopped. 25 year sentences R”L are cruel and could ch”v cause a lot bigger problems in the long run. Forcing them into a short term (very) hard minial labor program, where they can go home at night, always drastically reduces crime. It’s the humane way. A Torah nation needs to fight for such a path.
why 25 years in jail? They should be caged in a zoo where animals belong.
Please stop what you are doing and call the office of assemblyman Tedesco and tell him that you support the bill.
Fed Up
Such a bill should be passed. Hopefully it would send the message to the thugs that assaults on innocent people will not be tolerated.
#6 you sound stupid
Everything is race, 25 for a punch ridiculous