BDE: Mrs. Rivka Sheina Notik, 93, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rivka Sheina Notik, OBM, a resident of Crown Heights for thirty three years. She passed away Wednesday night, the 10th of Sivan, 5779.
She was 93 years old.
She is survived by her children: Esther Hertzel (Crown Heights), Shmuel Notik (Beitar Illit, Israel), Yosef Y. Notik (Paris, France), Zvi H. Notik (Crown Heights), Menachem M. Notik (Seattle, Washington), Avigael Notik (Paris, France), Devorah Hershkop (Crown Heights), Avrohom Zorach Notik (Crown Heights), and Moshe Shimon Notik (Montreal, Canada).
She is also survived by her siblings: R’ Chayim Shmuel M. M. Liberow (London, England), R’ Shalom DovBer Liberow (Brunoy, France), R’ Aleksander Sender Liberow (Manchester, U.K.), R’ Shneur Zalman Liberow (Antwerp, Belgium) and Fraidel Zirkind (Montreal, Canada).
She was pre-deceased by her daughter Shterna Sara Partouch obm, who passed away in the month of Shevat this year. She was also pre-deceased by her husband, R’ Shalom DovBer obm 17 years ago.
She was also pre-deceased by her sisters Esther Hadassah obm, who passed away as a young girl and her sister Kraina Devorah Grinfeld obm, who passed away at a young age in Antwerp, Belgium.
The levaya will take place today, Thursday, passing by 770 at approximately 2:00pm, with burial at the Old Montefiore Cemetery near the Ohel.
Shiva will take place at the house of her son, Hirshel Notik,1665 President Street (between Utica and Schenectady Avenues).
Baruch Dayan Hoemes