BDE: Mrs. Devorah Fox, 93, OBM
Wish great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs Devorah Fox OBM, wife of Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Fox. She passed away on Shabbos, Acharon Shel Pesach 5779.
Sure was 93 years old.
Mrs Fox was a member of the Chevra Kadisha, and was involved in the early years of N’shei Chabad especially in arranging shiurei chassidus. She was also instrumental in arranging tehillim groups for Shabbos Mevarchim.
She’s survived by her 3 children: Rabbi Berel Fox (Crown Heights), Mrs. Sara Gottlieb (Oak Park, MI), Mrs Shifra Galperin (Crown Heights), and many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren.
Levaya will be held at Shomrei Hadas 2:00pm, and will be passing 770 at 2:30pm, before continuing to the cemetery in Queens.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
What a pleasure to have called you bubby you deff slepped alot of nachas in your grandchildren great grea child and great great children
nechma heber
What a wonderful lady! A real dugma chaya of a chassidishe womean..she conducted herself, with tznius, feinkeit, warmth and always had a smile on her face..very self-effacing, never wanted attention..what an example for todays generation..
Hamokom yenachem eschem bsoch shaar aveilei tzion..