BDE: Rabbi Binyomin Katz, 78, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Binyomin Hakohen Katz OBM, of New Haven Connecticut. Rabbi Katz had a unique connection with the Rebbe, and was sent on secretive missions for the Rebbe in Soviet Russia. He passed away Tuesday Chol Hamoed Pesach, Yud Ches Nissan 5779.
He was 78 years old.
He is survived by his wife, Malka, and his children, Shneur Katz (New Haven, CT), Detty Leverton (Crown Heights), Shulamis Tenenbaum (North Miami Beach, FL), Shmaya Katz (New York), Sholom Ber Katz, (New Haven, CT), Mendel Katz (New Haven,CT), Alie Katz (New Haven, CT), Sara Leah Fridman (Crown Heights), Bassie Srugo (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Deena Lehr (Monsey, NY), Dovid Katz (Crown Heights), Yehudis Cohen (Kingston, PA), Yerucham Katz (Crown Heights), Brocha Lerman (Crown Heights), Chaviva New (Crown Heights), Sruly Katz (New Haven), and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
He is also survived by his siblings, Fraidel Bodenstein (Boro Park), Fishel Katz (Miami Beach, FL), and Avigdor (Victor) Katz, (Chicago, IL).
He was predeceased by his sister, Miriam Adolf obm.
Levaya to be held Wednesday, and will be passing by 770 Eastern Parkway at 2 pm..
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Your Drizin family
Dear Chaviva,
We were all very sad to hear of your father’s passing.
We are thinking of you and your mother and siblings.
With love,
All of us
BDE Rabbi Katz was a great soldier of the Rebbe. I remember he had a photographic memory and would only speak positive and inspiring others. He would come sometimes to the yeshiva of MN and told me with such pride about his travels to Russia which the Rebbe sent him on missions. He had to navigate and quickly judge who he can trust. He said he had to plan meetings in secret, whispering to some people while pretending to daven. One time met someone in a park and had to lie on a hill facing opposite directions so they won’t be seen and if anyone comes they can quickly roll in opposite directions..
Selfless, sharp and inspiring!
This guy was a holy many and legit had photographic memory. BDE
Kathi Liberman
My sincere condolences to the Katz Family.
Sharon Freundlich algarin
Rabbi Katz was a wonderful person.
34 yrs ago he was my teacher.
I enjoyed his wonderful teaching style.
Within minutes you learned so much about Torah and it’s important applications to character refinement etc.
He would combine texts from various sources including Rav MoshecFeinstein,his own life experiences ,the Gemara,Chumash,and etc.
Great Mishallim(parables),anecdotes,and stories would add to our learning excitement.
He cared about everyone.
Everyone’s learning experience and development was important.
He made a great effort to make sure we all understood the material.
He was also giving to everyone.
His entire family consists of amazing Individuals.
Especially his daughter ,”Detty,”Leiba Etta Katz,a brilliant shining star,who definitely demonstrates excellence in all areas.
Eventhough I was unable to stay in contact ,this wonderful family especially Rabbi Katz ,left a positive and lasting impression.
The righteous are always living and his legacy of Torah and Chessed will live on through everyone with whom he came in contact
Like the Zohar on kedoshim says happy are those who know and connect with Hashem.Kedoshim Acharei Mos ,zohar which is the Parsha read on the 7th day of Pesach says it all.
Rabbi Katz is close to the Shechina and is one with Hashem.
His Petira was the 18th of Nissan andcthe Zohar read is the one relating the joy one experiences whe one is fully connected to Hashem.
How fitting and approprite for such a shining light.
May the entire Katz family be comfoted during this difficult time.
Mordechai (Marty) Webster
May the entire Katz family be comforted during this difficult time.
David Silverman
The Katz family and my self grew up on the west side of Chicago victor/ben/fishel father Joe Katz taught me my Bar mitval 72 years ago their is not day that goes by that i don.t think about them. i have been trying to get in touch with Victor and Fishel i would love to give you a report how what a wonderful family the KATZ was. they taught me more then anyone that i can inainge. ilive in Arizona you can reach me at 480 621 6262 David SILVERMAN