BDE: Rabbi Mendel Baumgarten, 92, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Baumgarten OBM, a Crown Heights resident. He was 92 years old.
Rabbi Mendel Baumgarten was a well known baal Chesed who was known for hosting many guests in his home. He was also known for davening at a Shul on Carrol St and Schenectady Ave named after him.
He was predeceased by his wife Mrs. Nechama Baumgarten.
He is survived by his children Rabbi Yossel Baumgarten (Johannesburg, South Africa), Mrs. Shterna Rodal (Los Angeles, California), Mrs. Breina Popack (Tzfas, Israel), Rabbi Leibel Baumgarten (Hamptons, NY), Rabbi Sholom Ber Baumgarten (Crown Heights), Rabbi Zalman Baumgarten (Crown Heights), Mrs. Chanale Posner (Plantation, Florida), Mrs. Tzirl Suede (Mexico), Rabbi Levi Baumgarten (Crown Heights), and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The levaya will take place on Sunday, more information will be posted as it becomes available.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes.
A guest by Reb Mendel
Sad to see a man of his statue passed away.
The notice talks about his hospitality. Which indeed was part excellence. Without question nor discrimination nor any judgments to any.
Reb Mendel was a true Mentch in the full sense of the word. His extreme calm nature his Hadras Ponim his smile and warm character. His Midos was one for example. Always accomplishing the ‘Kabel Kol Odom Be’sefer Ponim Yofos’. Knowing him personally, while with him you felt loved safe and relaxed. A true Tzadik.
In addition, remembering being hosted at his Shabbos and Yom Tov Table with his Eishel Chover Rebbetzin Nechama. Listening to his golden voice. His depth and sincerity with meaning and accomplishments while expressing every tone of the medoly with in a Nigun Simcha and especially with a deep Nigun Hisororios. Seeing at times a tear flow down his face. One must be inspired
May his Neshoma reach the greatest of heights. May he be a Gute Beter for his family and Klal Yisroel.
May it be even before Sunday’s scheduled Levaya. Me he be Zocho Bekorov to Ve’hekitzu Veraninu Shochnei Ofor.
Hamokom Yenacheim……. only good and happy circumstances for the entire Baumgarten Family.
Well Said
Well said #1. I could not have said it any better. As a bochur in Hadar Hatorah in the early lameds, I too was among the many then, and I’m sure over the decades, who benefited in so many ways from the great hospitality and kindness of Rabbi Baumgarten and his Rebitzen, Aleihem Hashalom.
Yosef Shandling
Even though I did not regularly attendthe Baumgarten Shul, I, like many women, attended the yearly Parshas Zachor and megillah reading by Rabbi Baumgarten and appreciated his commitment to this on behalf of women in the community.
meir bat ayin
the baumgartens were the go to place for young marrieds back in the early days. they lived very simply. mrs B only wanted a couch big enough for more than two. rabbi b was a working schoett. a power man who commanded respect just thru his demeanor the boys slept somewhere in the back. the rabbis advice was always straight & down to earth. his loss effects generations. there was only one rabbi B