Minhagim for Yud Tes Kislev
We present a list of Minhagim for Yud Tes Kislev courtesy of Rabbi Garelik:
- Tachanun is not recited in Mincha of Yud Ches Kislev, on Yud Tes Kislev and on Chof Kislev.
- The Frierdiker Rebbe writes in one of his Sichos that on Yud Tes Kislev we eat “Grikene Kashe” (Kasha, buckwheat).
- In addition: Chasidim –
1. Prepare themselves just like the days of Slichos at the end of Elul.
2. Wear a sirtuk just like on Yomtov.
3. Wish each other “Gut Yom Tov! Leshono Toivo Belimud Hachasidus Vedarchei Hachasidus Tikoseivu Veseichoseimu”.
4. Participate in a farbrengen that includes:
a. Siyum and Chalukas Hashas [On Yud Tes kislev, every shul distributes a list of all the Tractates of the Talmud and each member chooses the tractate(s) that they will learn for this year, to be completed by next year, Yud Tes Kislev].
b. Siyum HaTanya [completion of the study of the Tanya, as it is divided up for every day of the year, starting on Yud Tes Kislev and completed on the following Yud Ches Kislev].
c. Siyum Hayom Yom [completion of the study of Hayom yom, which is divided up for every day of the year, starting on Yud Tes Kislev and completed on the following Yud Ches Kislev].
d. Magbis. [Participation in Tzedoko towards various institutions under the Rebbe’s leadership].
Gut YomTov!! Leshono Toivo Belimud Hachasidus Vedarchei Hachasidus, Tikoseivu Veseichoseimu!