Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Shua Polonsky, 31, OBM
With great sadness, shock and pain we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Shua Polonsky, OBM, a beloved husband and father to two young girls, after a sudden and brief illness, during which Klal Yisrael of all stripes came together to pray for his recovery. He was 31 years old.
Over the past several days since he fell ill, Shua fought bravely while his doctors struggled to save his life. Unfortunately, their incessant efforts did not bear fruit, and Shua returned his soul to his maker this afternoon, Thursday, the 20th of Cheshvan.
He is survived by his wife, Simi, and two daughters, as well as by his parents and siblings.
The Levaya will take place Friday, 9:55am at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 10:45am. Kevurah will be at the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, NY.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
WHY HASHEM?!?!?!? WHY???
May hashem send comfrot to his family, his wife and 2 little girls. Enough sufferig and pain in this world, we need galus to end and Moshiach to come!
Oy oy
Why??? End this Golus now hashem.
I’m dumb struck. I don’t understand his ways! Yhi hashem mevoruch
:( :(
There are no words ! Thrilling was repeated and finished thousands of time as the world United in prayer . May Hashem comfort the family .
Aretha Sappleton
This is Aretha, from the Verschleisser family. Yopo was one of the most memorable Boarders that lived with us. He never forgot my birthday on the 12th of September and he shared all his acne products with me when I was concerned about my breakouts. He was respectful and exemplary.
Esther Davis
I never knew Shua but am touched at his story. Condolences to his family. R.I.P.
Jan Maree
I know very little about the Jewish religion; however, l know about human suffering… this story brings tears to my eyes. I am so saddened by this story and wish to you peace of mind. May the young man Rest In Peace forevermore.
Heartbroken BDE hamakom Yenachaym Eschem
I’m very saddened to hear this tragic news. May Hashem bless the world with Moshiach NOW!
Picaboo Shimon
what a horrible tragedy. god should be ashamed of himself for causing suffering to this young family
Man, god knows what he’s doing. I bet if it was in your hands you would kill much more ppl at a much younger age. Watch how you talk, you don’t know who’s next.
Close friend of Shua
As a very close friend of Shua I can understand why you would feel angry and upset. I never write on chats like this. However I find this comment extremely disturbing as this is the last message he would want anyone to get from his life, illness and death. Honestly as a very close friend who knows him very well he would want people to unite and come closer to eachother and to keep g-d in the equation in a positive light. To exemplify this one of his favorite books is Garden of Emunha ( Garden of Faith) which promotes complete faith in g-ds ways and admitting that we don’t know everything and respecting our limitations as humans, so saying these comments would hurt him tremendously and really should not be said….. thank you for your understanding ( I am sorry you feel this way)
Very sad to hear of this. BDE.
to #12
We need to be careful; how we word our feelings, especially when its about Hashem
“Ki lo macheshvoisay…”
At the same time we can scream Ad Mosai?
Picaboo Shimon
No you got it the opposite. God needs to be careful how he treats us.
That is kefirah and chutzpah klapei maaloh. Whatever He does is by definition right, and we are forbidden to say otherwise. At every Jewish funeral (except when tachnun is not said) the main part is Tzoduk Hadin, acknowledging that Hashem was right to take this person from us, and that we have no right to complain.
(By the way, does anyone know why this prayer is called Tzoduk Hadin, and not Tziduk Hadin, as one would naturally think it should be? I have long been puzzled by this.)
Everyone is correct but is it enough to say send moshiach or do we all need to introspect and ask ourselves if we are acting appropriately whether it is how we treat others or how we treat shul
Picabo Shimon brave brave words
How brave is it to hide in your bathroom & say anything out of pain & stupidity? We don’t know the ways of hashem so we can’t comment on it. But what I wonder is why you guys decided that god is evil (CH”v) rather than to decide that he do not exist…
Zevy you so totally don’t understand
Easy to accept other’s pain
That isn’t the plan
If it hurts one cries out
Moreover all the platitudes are meaningless the future is real
What are you guys going to do to really help his wife and kids ?
Future in this case is long long term
Emotionally financially etc.
Kids to be educated and nurtured
That is the litmus test
I think we should stop replying to Picaboo Shimon.
Fiona, it seems you don’t know much about the Chabad community. Like all Jews, we also help people like Shua and his family. And not just financially, either.
Also, we all have, many times, been hit by stark tragedies. There are too many to list here. One day I was sitting at a table with three friends and I suddenly realized that they had all buried a child, nisht mer gedacht. We definitely feel pain, but we also know that everything G-d does is good. The things in life that hit us hardest are actually deeply hidden good things.
We are closer in intellectual powers to an amoeba than we are to G-d. I myself was able to see the Good in the fact that my second daughter was still born. It can take a while to see the Good in something, and sometimes we are never able to understand it. But all of us have, at one time or another, seen the Good in situations that were very very difficult to endure.
I pray that you develop this type of faith. If so, you’ll be surprised at the way you experience life. We feel grief. Of course! But we don’t get angry at G-d. If for nothing else, it’s futile.
Leah that faith you articulate is meaningless
It reflects on the loss of others
The pain of others
How easy it is to accept with such equanimity
When it comes to ones pain ones loss
Then maybe it will be apparent all the religiosity preached
What we are reading here is hyperbole and emotionalism
As I say words are cheap and easy as long as it is someone else
B d e ,? fuerza para la familia polonsky desde argentina