Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Chana Forta, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chana Forta, OBM, a beloved teacher and longtime member of the Lubavitch community in Stamford Hill, London, UK.
Mrs. Forta passed away this morning, Thursday, 4 Av, after a brief but severe illness.
She is survived by her husband, Rabbi Arye Forta, and children: R’ Benny Forta (Detroit, MI), R’ Dovid Forta (London, UK), R’ Shimon Forta (Detroit, MI), Mrs. Devora Miller (London, UK), R’ Laivi Forta (Aventura, FL), R’ Meir Forta (London, UK), Joel Forta (Aventura, FL) and Brochy Chaliotis (London, UK).
The levaya took place today in London.
Shiva will be observed in Golders Green at 74 Leeside Crescent, London NW11, UK:
Shachris: 7:00am
Mincha: 7:00pm
Maariv: 10:00pm
Boruch Dayan Hoemes