The central Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen in New York will be held in Campus Chomesh in Crown Heights this Thursday night at 9:30pm. In honor of the Rebbe's birthday the gathering will be attended by Rabbis and Mashpiim, Anash and Tmimim, who will Farbreng together in a spirit of unity. As in former years the central Farbrengen is being arranged by the International Agudas Chassidei Chabad.

Full flyer in the Extended Article.

Central 11th of Nissan Farbrengen

The central Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen in New York will be held in Campus Chomesh in Crown Heights this Thursday night at 9:30pm. In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday the gathering will be attended by Rabbis and Mashpiim, Anash and Tmimim, who will Farbreng together in a spirit of unity. As in former years the central Farbrengen is being arranged by the International Agudas Chassidei Chabad.

Full flyer in the Extended Article.


  • shameful

    this is the “central” farbrengen? that’s nauseating. the one in the rebbe’s four amos – 770 – where the rebbe farbrenged throughout his nesius is the central farbrengen.

  • mekushor

    The central farbrengen is the one that takes place in the Rebbes Shul in 770. All the others are just splinter movements.

  • wondering

    why are none of these flyers ever signed by peoples names? always THE VAAD.

    why aren’t real people puting their names to these things?

  • to all ignoramuses

    The Rebbe would farbreng at a farbrengen that was “arranged” by agudas chasidei chabad, who are now FORCED to make their farbrengens not in 770

  • menachem

    oh-my-gosh, ingnorants seem to allways be there; ‘the central farbrengen is in 770’, c’mon, why do i have to explain every year why the farbrengen takes place in bais rivkah and not in 770? why cant you find out from reliable sources? you ALLWAYS manage to get the facts wrong. you really expect there to be a farbrengen in 770 after what happened there on rosh chodech kislev? are you kidding me? hope so. thats besides the fact that ‘halacha’whise’ or ‘rightswhise’ the farbrengen ‘belongs’ to aguch.