Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Rochel Kashanian, 62, OBM
With great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Liorah Rochel Kashanian OBM. She was 62 years old.
Rochel was an amazing person, who together with her husband Dr. Shlomo Kashanian OBM helped Chabad of Boynton Beach, Florida find a permanent home and regularly assisted with its growth.
Together they also supported many other community institutions and projects in Florida, as well generous support of widows and orphans in Israel.
Rochel was a longtime resident of Coral Springs, Florida and more recently of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
She is survived by her children Jacob Kashanian (New York, NY), Devorah Huber (Crown Heights), Rivka Lifshitz (Crown Heights) and David Kashanian (New York), as well as many grandchildren.
She is also survived by her two sisters Linda and Diane.
The Levaya will take place Tuesday, 1:00pm at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 1:45pm.
Shiva will be observed at 658 Maple Street Apt #3.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Zahava K
BD”H..we have lost a beautiful soul, a lady in every way…a woman so connected to spirit..so .devoted to her family and her friends. Rochel had a very gentle, healing touch and could bring out the essense of each of us through her knowledge of health and Torah, fusing them together to elevate illness both of body and spirit.Rachel’s sense of humor kept her grounded when one might forget she is of the Earth, not an angel sent to bring joy to all.Sincere condolences to Devorah, Rivka, Jacob and Dov…may her memory be a blessing and shine a light on us .
Another yid
BD”E. So sorry to hear.
Ad Mosai
What are the hours for visiting
So sorry to hear ..
Boruch Dayan Emes. I did not know Mrs. Kashanian, or her late husband, both of blessed memory, but I have heard beautiful things about both of them. Their family should find comfort, at this awful time, with their outstanding legacy, and with the knowledge that their great parents will be watching out for them, from above, and they will do their parents proud!
Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch shaar aveilei tzion veyerushalyim!
beautiful person
i met her while working for her daughter
she was so open and honest
Linda Ann Woodall
Please accept my deepest sympathies! I have such sweet memories of her and her family. We shared some very sweet times together. Our children used to play together so many years ago. Life took hold and we lost track of one another. She will always be considered my dear friend!
I will be praying for her children. Prays for comfort and peace!
Yaacov Deane
She was a dear friend, a very precious soul and a righteous, Jewish woman. She will be sorely missed.
To Jake, Devorah, Rivka & Dovid…Be strong. Help one another and love each other always. It was her wish for each of you every day.
Her struggle is over. She and Poppa are together again.
HaMakom yenachem etchem b’toch sha’ar aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim.