Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Kayla Silkes, 70, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Kayla Silkes, OBM, longtime Crown Heights resident and beloved teacher at the Mosdos Day Care Center for many years. She was 70 years old.

She is survived by her children: Bashi Levilev, Eli Silkes, Raizy Cousin, Malky Schwartz, Yitty Grafstein and Yaffe Clapman.

The family will be sitting shiva at the Levilev home at 1313 Carroll Street [between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves.]

Shachris – 8:00am
Mincha – 8:00pm
Maariv – 9:00pm

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalaim.


  • oy!! ad mosai!

    she was such a sweet nice lady….
    always had a smile on her face…..

    we need moshiach now!!

  • wms

    she was always kind and gracious to everyone who spoke with her. Very fine woman, great midos.