Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R’ Avrohom Rappaport, 89, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Avrohom Rappaport OBM, one of the founding members of the Lubavitch community in Toronto, Canada. He was 89 years old.
He is survived by his children Chani Rappaport (Syracuse, NY), Ruthy Becker (Crown Heights), Yossi Rappaport (Toronto, Canada), Lala Salansky (Far Rockaway, NY), Hudis Kagen (Los Angeles, CA) and Ezzy Rappaort (Bal Harbour, FL).
The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday, 1:30pm at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 3:00pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes