Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rebbetzin Golda Schwei, 78, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Rebbetzin Golda Schwei OBM, a longtime resident of Montreal who inspired many women over the years. She passed away on Thursday, 4 Shevat 5776. She was 78 years old.
She is survived by her children Mrs. Rikvah Rosenfeld (Bogota, Columbia) and Mrs. Chana Spalter (Crown Heights) as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
She is also survived by her siblings Mrs. Sara Katzman (Crown Heights) and Rabbi Zalman Chanin (Crown Heights).
She is predeceased by her husband Rabbi Issac Schwei OBM, who served as the Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim in Montreal.
The Levaya will take place Friday at Shomrei Hadas Chapels at 9:30am and will be passing by 770 at around 10:45am.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes