Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Masha Rosler, 83, OBM
With great sadness and pain we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Masha Rosler OBM, a longtime resident of Montreal, Canada who pioneered Mivtza Neshe”k in her community. She was 83 years old.
She merited to raise a large family ka”h with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, Shluchim, and Chassidim. She was very mekushar to the Rebbe and pioneered Mivtzah Neshe”k in Montreal. She passed away on Shabbos, Vov Tishrei.
She is survived by her husband yblc”t of 65 years, Tzvi Yaakov, and their children Yitzchok Zev (Toronto, Canada), Rivky Aronov (Crown Heights), Shulamis Zirkind (Montreal, Canada), Leah Devorah Schmukler (Los Angeles, CA), Nechama Rapoport (Vineland, NJ), and Chanie Rimler (Crown Heights).
The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Monday, 1:00pm at the Chesed Shel Emes Chapel in Montreal, Canada.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Dear bubby. We love you and will miss you so much. We know how much you loved us and how you didn’t want to leave. You were an incredible amazing women who was utterly refined in all aspects even in the short time you were in the hospital. You will forever be in our hearts.
Your loving grandchildren
malca b
barry katz
nagar family
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים ולא תוסיפו לדאבה עוד