With sadness we inform you of the passing of Zisa Ben Tzion (Sol) Lieberman, after battling a lengthy illness. The Tzadik, the Lawyer (the Judge) returned his soul this morning.

BDH: Zisa Ben Tzion (Sol) Lieberman OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Zisa Ben Tzion (Sol) Lieberman, after battling a lengthy illness. The Tzadik, the Lawyer (the Judge) returned his soul this morning.

He was born in Bilkah, Czechoslovakia Shavuos 1 1930. On May 9, 1940 , against doctors orders but with his trusting parents he and his sister escaped the Holocaust on the Rex – the last ship to America.

A Korean war veteran, Sol Lieberman was determined to replenish his family exterminated in the Holocaust. He married his beloved wife Paulette and raised a family of six sons and one daughter ky’h. At the time of his passing he had celebrated the births of many grandchildren.

Throughout his life, Mr. Lieberman The Lawyer championed the continuity of Yiddishkeit in America. He was a pillar of ‘mini’ minyanim, often standing outside to find someone to complete the Minyan. He is loved by Jews of all backgrounds.

Mr. Lieberman had an unending love and devotion for his family. He once said “there’s always a fight between more money and more children. But I go with more children. Because you can love money, but it won’t love you back”.

He is survived by his dedicated and loving wife Peshe Razel (Paulette) and his children: Aryeh Leib, Yitzchok Isaac, Tzirel Dobah Raskin, Yisroel Dov, Lipa Yaakov Zvi, Menachem Mendel, and Shmuel Schneur Zalman and many grandchildren ka”h.

The levaya will take place at Shomre Hadaas 38th and 14th ave in boro park at 1pm today. And will pass by 770 at 230 on the way to montefoire Cemetary, where he will be buried at 3:30.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • chaim

    BD”A, what a great guy, with his projects as his shul in Manhattan……….Oy Vey what an American Chossid….

  • Moshe

    I remember this Tzaddik. He made an everlasting impression on me standing under the twin towers, shlepping another yid in for a minyan. Always helping someone, somewhere with something.

  • guy lyons

    will be greatly missed,he turned on the light of yiddishkeit in my life. my heart goes out to his family,they are a model of what a jewish family should be,keeping the light lit for others and being all inclusive. we lost a real mench.