Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Chana Chanowitz, 87, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chana Chanowitz OBM, wife of R’ Chaim Chanowitz OBM, who together merited to go into many yichidusin with the Rebbe. She was 87 years old.
Mrs. Chanowitz, a long time resident of the West side of Manhattan, merited to many yichidusin with the Rebbe along with her husband R’ Chaim. Once at kos shel brocho the Rebbe said to her husband Reb Chaim “a geruss fun dain veib” [regards from your wife].
She is survived by her children Bentzion (Buzzy) Chanowitz (Brooklyn, NY), Benjy (Binyomin) Chanowitz (Highland Park, NJ), Ellen (Elka) Chanowitz (New York, NY).
The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday 1:00pm at the Plaza memorial Chapel, 91st St. and Amsterdam Ave. in Manhattan. Kevurah will be at the Elmont Cemetery.
The family will be sitting Shiva at 225 W. 86th St., Apt 110, New York, NY.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
A Timeless Woman
She and her husband Reb Chaim z”l lived in Manhattan. They were “ambassadors” of The Rebbe on Shlaimut Haaretz and hosted many dignitaries from Eretz Yisroel on that count. They would come to Crown Heights every Simchas Torah and Shavuos for many years as well as Reb Chaim and his son coming for Yom Kippur with The Rebbe. One year The Rebbe said to Reb Chaim at Kos shel Bracha, “A geruss fun dain Vaib”. She had been there waiting to say Gutt Yom Tov after Hakofos when the Rebbe came out. She helped to establish Chabad on the West side. She worked tirelessly for years for the Bikur Cholim in Manhattan and walked miles and many flights of stairs on Shabbos to help and visit the sick. My aunt had more good spunk than anyone I knew and was beloved by everyone who knew her. Hopefully more will be written about this very special woman and her husband. BTW, The Frierdiker Rebbe said about her husband “Oif em ken mir farlozen ,vail Ehr is a mesudar un a shtiler…”
May she bang on the gates above and not let up until Der Aibishter sends Moshiach Now!
Chabad WS
Mrs. Chanowitz was an inspiration to us from day one, when we arrived to the West Side 30 years ago. She was always positive, always encouraging us. She was very proud that her husband was a Lubavitcher and a lamdan, proudly telling us that she became a Chabad’nik, too. Mrs. Chana Chanowitz was a melumedes, always greeted everyone with a “good word”, continuously welcomed guests to her home and was a real pnimius person. We will miss her. May Hashem comfort her family and bless her with a lichtigeh gan eden.
Moshiach now!
Corrected address for Shiva
Please be advised that the correct address for the Shiva for Mrs Chana Chanowitz is 225 W. 86th St.