Veteran Shliach in Dire Need of Tehillim and Donations
Veteran Shliach in Tzfat, Israel, Rabbi Aaron Eliezer Ceitlin is in dire need of our prayers as well as donations to help facilitate treatment that is only available in the United States.
After not feeling well Rabbi Ceitlin was taken for checkups where doctors discovered a rare type of yeneh machlah which doctors in Israel donโt have the expertise necessary to deal with it.
One clinic in the United States claims to have the ability to deal with this, but it is not covered by insurance and the family has no way of covering the astronomical sum necessary for the treatments โ which is in excess of $180,000.
A group of Shluchim have established an emergency fund to help with the costs and are asking for donations to help cover the costs.
Also, please say Tehillim for Aaron Eliezer ben Rivka.
refuah shlaima
Right now!
Unemployed Noachide....
Donation sent. May HaShem speed healing to Rabbi Ceitlin.
Where is Moshe Kotlarsky when you need him!
Moshe Kotlarsky raises money for lots of things, I dont see a more important reason than this! He should definitely take care of this!
Thanks for the advice
If you don’t want to donate you don’t have to, but please don’t share your unsoilicited and uninformed advice in public
#3 challenge
How about you put your money where your mouth is. find out how much Rabbi Kotlarsky is helping this shliach and match it! I personally know a situation my family was in (with a shliach being not well) and rabbi Kotlarsky went ABOVE and BEYOND without any fanfare. I was amazed by his effort, caring and commitment. Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, so go ahead, match what he does instead of badmouthing him.
Rabbi Ceitlin needs a refuah shleima, not hatred!
why are you mentionning Moshe Kotlarsky? Rabbi Ceitlin needs rachme shmayo, do you really think your comment will help him ?
How do you know if MK collected money for Ceitlin or not?
Read pirke ovos again instead of saying loshon Hora
Just donated
Refuah shelaimah! I just donated to the fund. This is real Yemos Hamoshiach that we can instantly help a fellow Yid across the world thanks to the internet!
refuah sheleima!!
donation sent
hashem yerachaim
Just donated. This is an absolute must for every lubavitcher out there who can give something to help out. Kol Yisrael Areivim!
ROFEH Boston
Please let the family of Rabbi Ceitlin connect with ROFEH in Boston. they have a network and help to get medical assistance (including insurance) in US
http://www.rofehint.org . You can find the contacts in Israel and Boston on the website
Just sent a donation
Every amount counts. Refua Shleima
What is the reason for the negative comment about R.K.?
Complete and immediate refuah sheleimah
Moshiach NOW
there should be a go fund me campaign started.
Don't judge
What makes you so sure to say that rabbi Kotlarsky isn’t raising funds???? You sound like a real positive person… Open up ur wallet AND just give ya big mouth
Grave Finder NY
Donation sent and asked others to do same
#3 challenge
How about you put your money where your mouth is. find out how much Rabbi Kotlarsky is helping this shliach and match it! I personally know a situation my family was in (with a shliach being not well) and rabbi Kotlarsky went ABOVE and BEYOND without any fanfare. I was amazed by his effort, caring and commitment. Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, so go ahead, match what he does instead of badmouthing him.
To #3
You are a terrible person. Instead of finding ways to help a Chosid, a Shliach, a fellow Jew, you start looking for others and telling them what to do, That is a sick and miserable attitude.
To no. 3
I just donated and I hope many others do as well. but its not your job to instruct , advise and/or direct Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky how and what he should be doing with the funds of the organization which he works for.
One of his fans
The world needs him to be healthy and strong.
He has and still is influencing so many to good.
Everyone please help as much as you are able.
Refuah shleima immediately – Hashem, please make a ness.
Did you see the fundraising clip for Shluchim who can’t make daily needs met- food, utilities etc? After MK takes care of them he’ll take care of Aharon Leizer.
Can you afford your pills?
It seems like you can’t afford your pills to calm you down, so tonight I’m making a collection for you and I’ll make sure that MK will pay for half of your desperately needed pills. Call me 10:30 tonight for the money
Nash Brothers
maybe they can step up to really save a life now, not like the one they drove to suicide through intense public shaming
refuah shlaima
Don’t u get, that this is the wrong place for such a comment??
(not sure if there is a right place, buts it’s definitely not here)
Pls try to censor such losh hara
I just gave
I wish every person just gave what he could to save this special persons life
An dmirer of Aron Leizer
Rabbi Tzeitlen is an amazing person, the world needs him, I am a yungerman with not much money, i just gave 500.00$ for this worthy cause, please give even more than you can afford.
Please help!
He has always given of his own for everyone else despite him literally living bmisirus nefesh. He needs our help and his family has exhausted all other options. You are his only hope! I just gave $200 that will pinch my pocket. Please hashem send this man a yeshua!
to 22
You are a total moron. Instead of helping this devoted shliach of the rebbe,. All you do is curse out other people… This is not the time nor the place for such comments. And I promise you, in addition to plain loshin hora and rechilus, such comments are counterproductive…
$100 Sent
its a life were talking about, rabosai please open your hearts..
moishe mendle
let the rebbe help him
To 22
The entire Nash family are outstanding baalei chesed and baalei tzedakah. Please don’t bring your personal gripe with anyone into this matter. Make positive comments that will be a zchus for Rabbi Zeitlin.
Such a special person
Rabbi Ceitlin’s mekuravim used to stay by us during trips to the Rebbe. We heard Rebbe miracle stories from them “that rolled under the table.” A wonderful man — everyone please donate generously. I am now about to give as much as I can. Besoros Tovos!
please please please
Only positive comments for a complete quick recovery for this amazing person who has only sincere ahavas yisroel in his heart!!!!
please please please
Only positive comments for a complete refua shlaima!
family member
We are so grateful , appreciative and strengthened by the warm,quick response from so many kah. I have no words! But Hashem does and in this zchus may you all have what you need freilicherheit,gezunterheit and He will surely bring a refua shleima miyad mmesh
He’s a true inspiration and a dugma chayo. Still remember his warm farbrengens from when he’d come to Montreal and how he acts in general. Sent in a donation and hope everyone does. We need him and this is enough, enough, enough – Jews deserve to keep the ud mutzal mei’eish that is left and they need to be strong and healthy. And his kids need him most.
There's much to be said
but it will be left for another time. (hopefully by then it won’t be necessary). We need to concentrate on helping Aharon Leizer. Refuah shleima
thanks #10
really appreciate this
i notified the right person, thanks
as an X hatzolah member (2 old now…)
I know that the expenses are great even if ALL medical is covered…PLUS here there extensive travel etc. not to mention additional costs on all fronts when u r aways from home…
He always come to Sydney for lag baomer I was wondering why I didn’t see him this year refua shleima we contribute and pray for your speedy recovery and looking forward seeing you refuah shleima
As a seminary student, Rabbi Ceitlin left a huge impact on my life from the few farbrengens he lead in our seminary in Yerushalayim. His sincerity and dedication to the Rebbe still inspires me twelve years later. May his efforts in teaching what a chassid is be a merit to his recovery.