Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R’ Eliezer Dov Zylbernagel, 77, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Eliezer Dov Zylbernagel OBM, a resident of Crown Heights and more recently Baltimore, at the age of 77.
He is survived by his wife Miriam and their children Chayim Zylbernagel (Crown Heights) and Chaya Saunders (Baltimore, MD).
The Levaya will take place in Baltimore today, Sunday at 12:00pm. Details here.
The family will observe Shiva at 2718 Hanson Ave Baltimore, MD 21209. Davening times: 7am Shacharis and 7:50pm Mincha, Maariv Bzmana. Shiva phone calls (917) 207-6865.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes