Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy, 36, OBM

With great sadness and shock, we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy, OBM, Shliach in Los Angeles and beloved husband and father of seven. He was 36 years old.

Rabbi Rav-Noy passed away suddenly and unexpectedly during his sleep, without any known prior medical condition.

He served as a Shliach in the Chabad Persian Youth Center in Los Angeles, California

He is survived by his wife, Miriam, and their 7 children. He is also survived by his parents, Dr. Ze’ev and Varda Rav-Noy, and siblings: Racheli Muchnik (Oxnard, CA); Avi Rav-Noy, Michy Rav-Noy and Eyal Rav-Noy (all of Los Angeles, CA).

The Levaya will take place Thursday, January 29, beginning at 11:30am at the Chabad Persian Youth Center – 9022 W Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035. It will be followed by the kevurah, which will take place at Mount Olive Cemetery – 7231 E. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA  90040.

The family will be sitting Shiva at 1441 S. Doheny Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90035. Contact: (424) 302-0496,

Thursday: Mincha – 5pm. No visits after 8pm.
Friday: Shacharis – 8am. No visits after 11am. Mincha – 3pm.
Motzei Shabbos: Maariv – 6:30pm. No visits after 9:30pm.
Sunday – Tuesday: Shacharis – 8am. No visits 12 to 5 pm. Mincha – 5pm. No visits after 9 pm.
Wednesday: Shacharis  – 8am.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

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  • what happened

    I know him I’m from L.A. but I live in Crown Heights what happened does any1 have any details. 36 that is very young. His family is very charitable, they give a lot of tzedaka.

  • Kessler Family (LB/LA)

    BD”E……..! With warm wishes of condolence to the entire Rav-Noy family. May Hashem give you all the strength you need during this sad time of your lives.
    May we all be zocher to meet Mosiach speedily.

  • Jill Sanderson

    Baruch Dayan HaEmes. So shocking. I’m so very sad to read this. Just horrible.

  • bde!!

    shocking, painful, news! rabbi rav-noy was a wonderful man, may the family find strength and comfort!

  • baruch dayan hoemes

    he was 16 when i was a 25 year old baal tshuva learning in kfar chabad. he took time to learn torah ohr with me and gave it over so extremely clear that i still remember what we learned. he was very aidel and humble. dear ariel, please daven for us. ad mosai.

  • Chaval Al DeAvdin

    Baruch Dayan Haemet.
    What a tragedy. He should be a Melix Yosher for his Family.

  • non lubavitcher

    I had met and spent a little time with him and he was a truly nice person.Left me with a very good impression.Yehei zichro boruch

  • Jennifer Montreal

    I was a guest over his Shabbos table during Succot last year… this breaks my heart

  • Alp

    I remember him from the Channel Island’s chabad, I walked in there a few times when I was in the neighborhood to learn some Gemara. I always remember he was such a great young man. It’s such a tragedy for everybody.

  • A friend

    What a loss! We lost a true soldier who had real Mesirus Nefesh for the Rebbe and stood up for what’s right. An Emeser Tzadik!

  • Camarillo Chabad supporter

    May his entire family find comfort in the happy memories of his life. It is hard to see the good in this awful news… many broken hearts.