Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Reb Tzvi Hirsh Slavin, 94, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Slavin, OBM, a devoted Chossid and veteran member of the Crown Heights community. He was 94 years old.
He is survived by his wife, Miriam, and children: Rabbi Eli Slavin (Crown Heights), Mrs. Basia Goldberger (Crown Heights), Rabbi Velvel Slavin (Kfar Chabad, Israel) and Rabbi Dovid Slavin (Sydney, Australia).
The Niftar is predeceased by four months by his daughter, Mrs. Tzivia Zaklos, OBM, of Montreal, Canada.
The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Thursday, and will be passing by 770 at around 10:45am.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Eckhaus Family
BDE. May we only share simchas!