Boruch Dayan Ho’emes: Mrs. Bashe Shuchat, 76, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chaya Bashe Shuchat, OBM, wife of Reb Kalman Shuchat, OBM, a Crown Heights resident for many years. She was 76 years old.
She is survived by her siblings: Rebbetzin Rochel Kviat – Boro Park, R’ Aharon Chaiton – Montreal, Canada; her son and daughters: Sholom Dov Ber Shuchat – Toronto, CA., Leah Notik – Crown Heights, Shternie Polter – Acton, MA., Chanie Ezagui – Palm Beach, FL and Nechama Dina Krinsky – Vilnius, Lithuania.
The levaya will take place today, Thursday, leaving Shomrei Hadas at 11:45am and passing by 770 at 12:30pm.
The family will be sitting shiva at 687 Montgomery Street [between Kingston and Albany Avenues]. Shacharis at 8:45am; Mincha and Maariv Bizmanom.
Baruch Dayan Ho’emes
So sorry
She was a really nice lady. BDE
Chana Sharfstein
Bashe Schuchat was a very special lady. Always warm and friendly, always with a smile. We will all miss her. She was one of the dear old-timers of the Crown Heights community BDE
CH mother
A wonderfully warm neshama. BDE
She was the nicest, sweetest, kindest lady!
She will be missed!
May her family only know of simchas!
Dr. Arden Smith
BDE- Bashe was a class act and always a kiddush Hashem. She made everyone around her better.