With sadness we inform you of the passing Friday of Zlata Esther Sharfstein, OBM, of Crown Heights. She was 53 years old. Levaya times updated.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Zlata Esther Sharfstein, 53, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing Friday of Zlata Esther Sharfstein, OBM, of Crown Heights. She was 53 years old.

Zlata Esther is survived by her parents, Mottel and Chana Sharfstein of Crown Heights, as well as her siblings: Shterna Maline, Sruli Sharfstein, Seema Gersten and Raizel Feder.

The Levaya will take place Sunday. It will be leaving from Shomrei Hadas at 2:00pm and pass by 770 at around 2:45pm.

Mrs. Chana Sharfstein will sit Shiva in Israel and Mottel Sharfstein will sit Shiva at 626 Montgomery St. in Crown Heights.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • Anonymous

    Mrs. Sharfstein will be sitting shiva all week in Israel.
    her daughter Raizel Feder will be with her until Wednesday. They can be reached at: 516-204- 4391
    Or email: chanasharf@gmail.com

    The rest of family will be sitting shiva at 626 Montgomery street